Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

Final Assigment English Journalism - Group 3 - Class F

Women's being sexualy harrased while doing their daily activities using Commuter Line Train (KRL)

Sexual Harassment to women is a common case in the public. There are kinds of Sexual Harasment that occur in Indonesia, such as “Cat Call” where usually happens when there is a women who walks by and being flirted by some random man. And also rape of children.

The public seems to know this issue for a very long time, but they seem to chose to not worry about it that much.

But recently, people are starting to pay attention to this issue. Even the public looks increasingly angry with the emergence of the story of one of the witnesses of sexual harassment in the Commuter Line Train , or mostly known as KRL in Indonesia.

KRL is known as a very conventional public transport. People choose KRL for their daily activities because they don’t have to have some rough time on the road while driving their own car or motorcycle. But KRL is also very dangerous because it’s so crowded. It can trigger some criminalities to happen inside the KRL, such as pickpocketing and sexual harrasment.

The story that shared on social media, LINE, by Chrisna gets so many responses in a very short time. There are people who supports, and some even tell their personal experiences when abused in KRL.

This story becomes increasingly fells 'horror' when it is known that most sexual harassment is done by the SAME person. Because there is an evidence of photo captured by Chrisna when she witnessed the incident. So many respondents also admitted that they had been harassed by that person.

Quoted from a website,, Chrisna wrote in her LINE account, "When the train went toward the University of Pancasila, there was a woman who was so plump, standing  in front of the perpetrator. Lets just call him ‘Cepot’. Now this ‘cepot’ initially just touch his own penis towards the woman and maybe that woman starts to feel annoyed and all she can do is move to another place inside the KRL "

This can lead to a decrease in people's sense of comfort to KRL. As feared by Dani (21), one of the KRL users we interviewed at Rawa Buntu train station, South Tangerang (25/5/2017).

He said, "If this (sexual harassment) happens frequently, the public would feel uncomfortable and I’m afraid they start to get lazy to use KRL." He also believes that one of the efforts to prevent this incident is for the people themselves who must increase their self-awareness.

Fear and anxiety continue to haunt KRL users, especially women. As expressed by Elvida (19), a teenager that we also interviewed in Rawa Buntu Station. She said, "For me as a woman, it makes me wary and afraid everytime I use KRL, especially if I go alone."

She stated, that it might be better for womens to not to go anywhere with KRL by themselves. Because they wouldn’t know if the KRL is going to be crowded or not. If the train is crowded, then there might be chances that the harrasment might hapen.

She also appealed to PT.KAI to improve the guard in KRL. Although there is already a security guard in KRL, but the number is limited. And the people in there are not necessarily courageous to prevent when sexual harassment takes place.

Quoted from, where the Coordinator of the Division of Community Participation Komnas Perempuan, Ratna Fitriani, said that efforts to eliminate sexual harassment in KRL is a bit impossible. Because this incident comes from the individual parties. Both the perpetrator or the victim.

Therefore, to prevent, Ratna said "We must do more prevention by not wearing minimal clothing or not dressing too excessive" she told okezone.

One other effort that has been done is with the holding of a special wagon only for women. But this effort does not seem to solve this sexual harrasment problem that much. Because there are still a lot of women who take the regular wagon. Even recently just appear a new problem where there was a fight between females fighting for seats in the women special wagon.

But it seems the public desire to voice about the case is not too prominent, because based on our survey that we did. Only about 2 out of 10 people are willing to voice the case, while others refuse to be interviewed by us.

One of the KRL security guards whom we met at Palmerah station, Jakarta even claimed not to know much about this. Because he himself said that if there is (victims of sexual harassment), they did not report to the KRL security itself.

“I can’t speak much about this (sexual harrasment in KRL) topic, because it’s not my authority." said the Head Station in Rawa Buntu, while being interviewed in his office.

This case doesn’t only occur in Indonesia. Other Asian countries like Japan, and China, also have the same case and still unresolved.